
รวมประกาศรับสมัครงานจากบริษัทชั้นนำทั้งหมดในสาขาอาชีพ ไอที Business Analyst(BA) คุณภาพอัปเดตใหม่ทุกวัน

  • อื่นๆ

Job Hi-Lights

หางาน,สมัครงาน,งาน Wire and wireless CO., LTD. JOB HI-LIGHTS


Wire and wireless CO., LTD.

Director - Digital Solution Delivery and Support

head of it transformatoin office 1 provide end to end advisory and insights to project teams and seek to formulate innovative technology enabled solutions to address the business needs 2 manage the assessment and business requirements gathering processes review functional specifications against the pain points problem statements business requirements and support solutions prototyping and architecture re design by applying insights and know hows for performance and risk mitigation 3 assess tools technologies and it processes for possible changes or improvement in productivity effectiveness and better release cycle time for applications to market 4 works closely with other teams for better cross team collaboration and building trust in transformation for the greater good 5 establish regular transparent update kpi and key metrics to executives and stakeholders for understanding and decision making 6 constantly monitor effectiveness of tools & technologies and processes teams capability productivity and growth and adjust the course to meet corporate objective project management office 1 manage over it project portfolio depenceies and overall timeline 2 manage change across all it project portfolio and transformatoin projects 3 monitor and manage all it resource utlization 4 identify appropriate processes and methodologies for each projects 5 establish and exercise project management or agile methodologies with appropriate tools 6 monitor and mitigate risks and threats to project delivery and request for support when needed 7 constantly track project progress and update to stakeholders 8 able to understand and emphasize impact and values of the program project and demonstrate to team members to ensure that the project teams have the same goal in mind 9 organize and maintain project library and related documents for up to date and availability 10 summarize project implementation and suggestion for improvement

ผลการค้นหา งานใน



Business Analyst(BA)


  • แนะนำสำหรับคุณ
  • ทั้งหมด 67 ตำแหน่งงาน


ผู้สมัครงานสามารถค้นหาตำแหน่งงานเพื่อหางานทำได้จากประกาศรับสมัครงานบนเว็บไซต์ โดยใช้ตัวกรองข้อมูลในการช่วยค้นหางานให้ตรงความต้องการได้มากที่สุด







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